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当前位置 首页 喜剧片 《杰瑞·宋飞:老子最后跟你说一次》


类型:喜剧  美国  1998 



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在jerry结束了他的连续剧和stand-up talk show以后拍了这部电影版的comedy show引用一些台词:  [On the space shuttle and the moon] What the hell were they doin' with a car on the god damn moon? You're on the moon already! Isn't that far enough?  I was the best man to a wedding one time, that was pretty good. Pretty good title, I thought, best man. I thought it was a bit much. I thought we'd have the groom and a pretty good man. That's more than enough. If I'm the best man, why is she marrying him?


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